Trip To Central Vineyard Cincinnati

The third week of the arts outing we decided to take a trip to Cincinnati and visit Vineyard Central. We had a chance to explore a new place and build community. Two of our members had previously lived in Cincinnati and served as gracious tour guides. Besides visiting two Vineyard communities we also visited several museums and gardens in Cincinnati and Kentucky. (Alex) One of my favorite parts was the history museum in the Union Station Museums, it was like a portal into the past. You started from most recent history and ascended into the late 18th century. I also enjoyed the opportunity to draw historical objects.

When we arrived at the Vineyard Central we discovered we had arrived on a work day. Every fifth Sunday the church spends time working on their buildings and grounds. The church and the community was very inspiring and refreshing to be around. We were given a tour, fed and put to work. On the tour we were told of the communities history and learned that the church rents out studio space for artists in the neighborhood. The building itself is breath taking and it made us feel good that we could help restore such a building.

(Deb) We did a lot of fun things but the most meaningful was helping out at Central Vineyard. We served together, Mike and Alex cleaned the women's bathroom, then a whole mob of us cleaned the mens room. Ahh that was fun. Serving brings joy to the giver and reciever, both parties are blessed, it's just how God wired us.
We are meant to make a difference and influence change in the world around us. We are interested to see how God can use art as the catalyst for change. We live in a media driven culture and have such an opportunity to bring our culture foward into the light of purity and health.