Art work by (left) Deidra Comrie, (right) Deborah Correa
Labor Day show 2008
A community event

1-9 Tues - Fri
2-6 Sat- Sun
We put on this group show to cultivate the artists in the community. Sometimes you just need to put one foot in front of the other. This show allows artist freedom to continue on with out the burden of putting a whole show together. The broad topic encourages the artist to produce work that is hopeful/positive in nature. Whether it is the growth of a child, personal growth, spiritual growth or simply a landscape that represents botanical growth. This show is diverse in styles, medium and growing themes........
Christen Nelson's (right) "Wisdom" acrylic on board won the Crimson Design award.
We plan to make the Labor day show annual and to grow the amount of "growth awards" we give out. If you are interested in participating next year or helping with the show please contact us.

................................................................................................................................................................................ Sculptures by (top) Andew Oswalt 11&12 mixed media.
Curated by Deborah Correa, the show features work by artists Deidre Comrie, Alex Ferree, Christen Nelson, Andrew & Ginny Oswalt, Kate Purnell, Amy Rose, Noel Acevedo, and Paul Tepper. Best of Show went to Deidre Comrie and the Crimson Design award went to Christen Nelson.
Jen with locally grown treats. Art work by Noel Acevedo/Photo by Mike Lovette.

This show is truely a community event. Jennifer Johnson helped us put together the food for the event, all the food was locally grown. Tongsue Ly and Matthew Flegle also provided some of the beautiful produce from "To Whom Do You Beautifully Belong?"garden project. This project is a year-long exhibition of the transformation of an underutilized parcel of land located in a concentrated urban environment. If you want to learn more about what these artist are growing check out ....
Noel Acevedo and Joshua Correa designed the promotional material. Deidre Comrie and Wes helped me hang the show, their input and expertise made this show impressive. Diana Lynd helped with framing. Cheryl Beachy sponsored the Crimson Design award. John McNeal & Adum Kimura contributed their musical talent to the show. Sarah D, Tyson, & Erin handed out cards and spoke with people at CCAD. Mike Lovette captured the show on film. And many other hands pitched in on Labor Day, not to mention the many of you who have prayed for me and encouraged me in-regard to the show. THANK YOU!! - Deb