Do you love to get out on location and paint... bring a guitar a few drums and you might just have an art adventure. Getting out to the parks in the Columbus area is a regular part of our scheduled events. But Plein Air painting is not the only event that takes place in the parks.
Earlier this summer we went to the Rose Festival at Whetstone Park for our Sunday afternoon outing. I took a gazillion photos of the roses while some of the group sat around a fountain and sketched. It was a very hot day and we all eventually migrated to a shady spot on the lawn, where we talked and painted and laughed and sketched. Behind us children played and infront of us roses danced in the breeze- it was just how a Sunday afternoon should be spent.
It was a fun opportunity to share what we have with the larger community. Several of the events we put on will happen again so don't put on sad face, but shoot us an email and we'll let you know when the event will happen again.
The more diverse our group gets the more opportunities we have to share and learn what God has given us. At Innis Woods Metro Garden we set up a spot in the shade. This time we had some boys and their father come. It was a joy to show them the joys of chalk pastels. They make a mess, but you sure have fun doing it. A couple of other people went out near the creek and drew the hillside.Painting on location might feel like exercise but after you get use to it, exercise is so much fun. The image above is half painting and half photo (painting 100% Plein Air).
Earlier this summer we went to the Rose Festival at Whetstone Park for our Sunday afternoon outing. I took a gazillion photos of the roses while some of the group sat around a fountain and sketched. It was a very hot day and we all eventually migrated to a shady spot on the lawn, where we talked and painted and laughed and sketched. Behind us children played and infront of us roses danced in the breeze- it was just how a Sunday afternoon should be spent.
We visited Blendon woods on the North East tip of Columbus. It was earlier in August, that day the heat was not too extreme. We found a large shaded spot near the woods and and set up our art artillery. We all had our own projects and we were able to work along side each other. We also had the opportunity to pray for one of our artist at the end of our time together.
We joined potluck in the park on August 17th at Whetstone park. We brought food & drink and feasted & face painted. Our sign read free face painting and though we set up with the intent to paint kid's faces, we ended up painting as many adult arms as we did faces.The more diverse our group gets the more opportunities we have to share and learn what God has given us. At Innis Woods Metro Garden we set up a spot in the shade. This time we had some boys and their father come. It was a joy to show them the joys of chalk pastels. They make a mess, but you sure have fun doing it. A couple of other people went out near the creek and drew the hillside.Painting on location might feel like exercise but after you get use to it, exercise is so much fun. The image above is half painting and half photo (painting 100% Plein Air).
This video is made up of images from current and past outings. I've also included a few audio clips of from Sunday night prayer. In the future we would like post some of the sessions to encourage the community.
Plein Air painting is not restricted to park either, back in 07 we took many trips together to paint at the zoo. Personally I love the interaction with the children. It's like you get to be one of the attraction for one or more little person. We have wanted to take a group to the zoo this year so if your interested send us an email.