Pumpkin Fun
Pumpkin Fun this October!
We started out on the 19th with Oversized Coloring Book design for the Havest Bash! The next week we had a pumpkin decorating workshop. At the harvest bash the following week we used the backdrop we made for a photo opportunity. Many families had cameras and left with great shots of their little ones. We took photo's for families who did not have a camera that evening. They are able to download their photo's from our website. Some photo's will be color corrected so check back for more on this event.
Photos available on flickr site, click this link
Thank you so much for coming out and joining the launch of our seasonal workshops. Also a big thanks to some of our local business' who donated 100 pumpkins & gift cards for our event.
Photos by Joshua Correa
Art Workshops
Workshops & Classes
Welcome to our wonderful world of workshops! We are glad you took the time to find out how you might get involved. Our community creates art on location in the spring & summer, but during winter we create opportunities for the community to learn. We offer one day workshops as previews to our 5 week classes. These workshops offer an opportunity to create a piece of art with little commitment. However you might get hooked and come back for the art classes. Register by emailing deborah.correa@goodgrapes.org
November - Drawing Workshop!
...................... ... http://www.clayspace831.com/
January - Digital Photography Workshop
Recycled Art Project
Photos from Kate Purnell
Recycled City - Eco & Art Adventures
On October the 12th our groups built a city out of recycled material for a recycling drive. We set up shop on the side walk around 9 am and got to work creating a city out of cardboard, candle packaging, glue and tape. We had high school helpers construct the city, while several little hands brought color to the city. Folks stopped by to enjoy the art, and several kids had a blast helping. It was great to talk with big and little people about what we are doing. A few of my favorite little people quotes were "Wooe, this is so cool" and "This is like the coolest thing ever!" This truely was a great project. It was also a fun and creative way to encourage recycling. And a great opportunity for two different ministries to work together. All materials were recycled after the city was disassembled at 6 pm.
Photo by Mike Lovette
A Creative Creation Story
Story by - Alex Ferree
photos from Kate Purnell now on:
top Photo by Kate Purnell
Check out the photos on Picsa site. Large images available.
For more about Creation Care Ministry
Painting on Jasper Street
This past Sunday we painted both little kids and big kids faces to support Sarah DeAngulo's mural opening. Jasper Street is a huge mural made up of colorful characters in whimsical settings installed at Vineyard Church of Columbus. The mural was painted by Sarah DeAngulo with the help of several volunteers. The theme of Jasper Street is taken from a passage in Revelations describing the New Jerusalem. Sarah's interpretation is alive with color, texture, humorous characters, creative settings, and delightful details.
.......Face Painting on Jasper Street
............. Faces from Sarah's opening.
It is very rewarding to see the children light up when they get to see the results. As I speak with my little guest its funny when they're deciding just the right color for their mouse or butterfly. It's beautiful to see a little personality forming on the simple decisions made in the chair besides me. It is also very rewarding to see adults jump in on the fun and show the world they are still a kid at heart.
Check back for more video of Sarah's opening!
Over-sized Coloring Books
ClaySpace 831Gallery is a gem hidden away among the brewing culture just south of downtown. If you are interested in Ceramics then prepare to fall in love with this delightful studio/gallery. Currently on display is "Cultivating Growth" or as we like to call it the grow show. We are very glad to have partnered with 831Gallery to host this event. They are community focused and we hope to help them grow.
ClaySpace is a for profit business that exists to provide a creative venue to artists of all ages and levels. Owner Tami Knight wants to give people a chance to pursue their love for ceramics, at an affordable cost. She has created a "Space" like no other in the city.
We are in the process of organizing a one day workshop near Christmas time. The focus of this event is to produce gifts for family, friends, or for charity. If you're interested in being part of the workshop then email us with "Info on Clay Classes" in the subject box. by email @ MSTUDIOARTWORKS@GMAIL.COM
Figure Drawing Opportunity
For those of you interested in figure drawing bring $10 and sketching materials Friday mornings 7-10am 2487 Summit St Columbus Ohio 43202 (just south of Hudson)
email patrick@spindlestudios.com for more information and ask about flickr site & for more happening in Clintonville Central Vineyard check out http://centralvineyard.blogspot.com/
We put on this group show to cultivate the artists in the community. Sometimes you just need to put one foot in front of the other. This show allows artist freedom to continue on with out the burden of putting a whole show together. The broad topic encourages the artist to produce work that is hopeful/positive in nature. Whether it is the growth of a child, personal growth, spiritual growth or simply a landscape that represents botanical growth. This show is diverse in styles, medium and growing themes........
We plan to make the Labor day show annual and to grow the amount of "growth awards" we give out. If you are interested in participating next year or helping with the show please contact us.
Jen with locally grown treats. Art work by Noel Acevedo/Photo by Mike Lovette.
2007 Prayer Nights
In 2007 we gathered each Sunday night to pray for the arts community in Columbus. We met Sunday evenings at 7:00pm, ate together and prayed for the community.
We prayed for individual needs as well as the communities needs. We prayed for arts in the church and in Columbus. We prayed and we listened. www.visualsanctuary.org
Plein Air Painting in the Parks
Earlier this summer we went to the Rose Festival at Whetstone Park for our Sunday afternoon outing. I took a gazillion photos of the roses while some of the group sat around a fountain and sketched. It was a very hot day and we all eventually migrated to a shady spot on the lawn, where we talked and painted and laughed and sketched. Behind us children played and infront of us roses danced in the breeze- it was just how a Sunday afternoon should be spent.
The more diverse our group gets the more opportunities we have to share and learn what God has given us. At Innis Woods Metro Garden we set up a spot in the shade. This time we had some boys and their father come. It was a joy to show them the joys of chalk pastels. They make a mess, but you sure have fun doing it. A couple of other people went out near the creek and drew the hillside.Painting on location might feel like exercise but after you get use to it, exercise is so much fun. The image above is half painting and half photo (painting 100% Plein Air).
Trip To Central Vineyard Cincinnati
When we arrived at the Vineyard Central we discovered we had arrived on a work day. Every fifth Sunday the church spends time working on their buildings and grounds. The church and the community was very inspiring and refreshing to be around. We were given a tour, fed and put to work. On the tour we were told of the communities history and learned that the church rents out studio space for artists in the neighborhood. The building itself is breath taking and it made us feel good that we could help restore such a building.
(Deb) We did a lot of fun things but the most meaningful was helping out at Central Vineyard. We served together, Mike and Alex cleaned the women's bathroom, then a whole mob of us cleaned the mens room. Ahh that was fun. Serving brings joy to the giver and reciever, both parties are blessed, it's just how God wired us.
We are meant to make a difference and influence change in the world around us. We are interested to see how God can use art as the catalyst for change. We live in a media driven culture and have such an opportunity to bring our culture foward into the light of purity and health.
Next Weeks Art Adventure
December 6th
Contact Us
Alex Ferree can be reached at:
614-847-3759 or by email @ MSTUDIOARTWORKS@GMAIL.COM
About the community
Brave Artists
Want to help? / Photo's
Vision & Background
As a group we decided to exercise our creative muscles weekly by getting together Sunday afternoon and doing "Art Adventures". These events have a unified goal to "produce art, while cultivating an arts community". The three different types of events we are hosting are; on location creations, creative workshops and using art to engage community.