Group Collage

Thursday May 28th
Last & Final night to work on this collage project as a group. The date reflects a change in our latest newsletter.

Please bring beads, jewels, and other objects of interest to attach to our groups collage. Also bring transparencies that can cover parts of the collage while allowing the imagery to show through (such as screen mesh, colored plastics that can be cut). We will have a drill that evening on hand to attach larger objects. Holes will be drilled so that larger objects can be secured from the back of the board with twine. We will provide paint and brushes, however you could use your own if you prefer.

It was the ultimate challenge bringing motivated, talented artists diverse in styles with different aesthetics, each with a different vision together to create a piece. 8 artists accepted the challenge together we prayed, discussed a direction and prayed again, then courageously moved forward. The result was 2 hours of stimulating creativity. Yes there was different opinions at times, but together we worked off of, over and besides, one another's creativity. We all plated off the ideas started by one person then reinterpreted by another.

The result was something none of us planned for or visualized - a cohesive work of art. Now it's not finished, yet. 2hours is hardly enough time to create a masterpiece, but it is well on it's way to becoming a successful piece we can all feel proud of. If you wish to rise to the challenge then bring interesting materials and join us for the finish.

Please email us to find out when the next Collage night will be.