Comic Workshop

This Sunday we will have a free Comic Workshop! During this workshop we will go over Character Design, Page Layout and basic drawing skills.

Drawing skills - Basic shapes, shadows, form
Character Design - model & style sheets
Page Layout - Transitions, gutter, negative space

Comics found on the web used for educational examples during our workshop.
1) "Brog" - Tom Stratford
2) Pro Game Development
3) Alex Albrecht
4) Joshua James
5) Michael Buffington Jr.
6) Michael Buffington Jr.
We would like to encourage you to keep on drawing. The best way to learn is to practice, practice, practice! If you would like more help, instruction and direction come out to our portfolio development class. Some of our instructors will be helping teach the class starting next week.

Check out some of the comics produced by folks here in our Vineyard Community.
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