Childrens Book Illustrator

Join us Monday April 13th for an artist forum.
Alex Ferree has been interviewing artists on bi-monthly basis during our regular gatherings. We have had interviews with a web designer, an interior designer and a sculptor. Come out Monday night at 7:30 and meet some artists in and around our community.

This spring we will be hosting Illustrator Tim Bowers. Tim is a successful children book illustrator who has worked for several well known companies creating memorable characters and illustration. You can check out Tim's work for your self at
Seen above giving a power point presentation Tim gave us some great insight into the journey of a Christian illustrator. Along his journey he illustrated for large corporations, Hallmark, Focus on the Family and children's books for large publishing houses. According to the world, Tim has made "it." He has accomplished his goals. Yet in his candor and humility, Tim made clear he hasn't "arrived." The Christian life is a journey which has no destination on earth. Tim is consistently looking towards the higher goals and impacting people's lives.
Illustrator Tim Bowers, Writer Patrick Lewis & Beth Zappitello, First Dog published by Sleeping Bear Press.

Tim recently illustrated a book about the Obama's new found friend. You can read more about it by clicking on the image above. If you are interested in purchasing the book please go to

April Events

Here are some opportunities around Columbus for growth this month.

Wild Goose Creative
Painters Group - April 6th 7:30 pm
Figure Drawing - April 14th 6 pm
Painters Group - April 20th 7:30pm

JunctionView Studios
Treasure Swap - April 4 & 5th

The Fuse Factory
Soldering 101 - April 4th
Intro to Flash - April 11th
Intro to HTML - April 25th

Growing A Community (Garden)

Saturday May 23th 11:00am or Sunday 24th 2:00pm; Help us garden, and create a place where imagination grows and where a community is cultivated.

Artists are coming together with gardeners and community organizers to cultivate a community (4,352 sq. ft. garden). Together we are investing in the King Lincoln district and much more. We are involving the community with gardening and providing fresh produce to those in the area as well as distributing produce at the 5th Ave food pantry. You don't have to be an artist or gardener to come & help. Just send us an email if you're interested in getting involved. In addition to the movie nights, and plant exchange we had last year we plan on hosting a variety of other community events at the garden. Check back for more about a community cookout or a community art project.

As CCAD exhibitions (Bureau for Open Culture) transitions out of their year long commitment we would like to come alongside the community to continue impacting the neighborhood and building a Green space in Urban Columbus .

........... Seed bank
Use your God given creativity to inspire those in the community. Check out the community seed bank built by Danny Tuss and the entrance created by Josh Correa were a wall of sunflowers will go.

Contact to learn how you could get involved with this project. For more infomation on how to get involved with other plots and more information about providing education & fresh produce to the food pantry contact Kelly linsday at Lindsay, To find out more about this project and what developed last year please check out this blogsite devoted to the garden site

.................. Garden location: 926-928 E. Gay Street

Group Collage

Thursday May 28th
Last & Final night to work on this collage project as a group. The date reflects a change in our latest newsletter.

Please bring beads, jewels, and other objects of interest to attach to our groups collage. Also bring transparencies that can cover parts of the collage while allowing the imagery to show through (such as screen mesh, colored plastics that can be cut). We will have a drill that evening on hand to attach larger objects. Holes will be drilled so that larger objects can be secured from the back of the board with twine. We will provide paint and brushes, however you could use your own if you prefer.

It was the ultimate challenge bringing motivated, talented artists diverse in styles with different aesthetics, each with a different vision together to create a piece. 8 artists accepted the challenge together we prayed, discussed a direction and prayed again, then courageously moved forward. The result was 2 hours of stimulating creativity. Yes there was different opinions at times, but together we worked off of, over and besides, one another's creativity. We all plated off the ideas started by one person then reinterpreted by another.

The result was something none of us planned for or visualized - a cohesive work of art. Now it's not finished, yet. 2hours is hardly enough time to create a masterpiece, but it is well on it's way to becoming a successful piece we can all feel proud of. If you wish to rise to the challenge then bring interesting materials and join us for the finish.

Please email us to find out when the next Collage night will be.

Comic Workshop

This Sunday we will have a free Comic Workshop! During this workshop we will go over Character Design, Page Layout and basic drawing skills.

Drawing skills - Basic shapes, shadows, form
Character Design - model & style sheets
Page Layout - Transitions, gutter, negative space

Comics found on the web used for educational examples during our workshop.
1) "Brog" - Tom Stratford
2) Pro Game Development
3) Alex Albrecht
4) Joshua James
5) Michael Buffington Jr.
6) Michael Buffington Jr.
We would like to encourage you to keep on drawing. The best way to learn is to practice, practice, practice! If you would like more help, instruction and direction come out to our portfolio development class. Some of our instructors will be helping teach the class starting next week.

Check out some of the comics produced by folks here in our Vineyard Community.
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