Painting on Jasper Street

Jasper Street photo by Mike Lovette

This past Sunday we painted both little kids and big kids faces to support Sarah DeAngulo's mural opening. Jasper Street is a huge mural made up of colorful characters in whimsical settings installed at Vineyard Church of Columbus. The mural was painted by Sarah DeAngulo with the help of several volunteers. The theme of Jasper Street is taken from a passage in Revelations describing the New Jerusalem. Sarah's interpretation is alive with color, texture, humorous characters, creative settings, and delightful details.

Jasper Street was a fun reason for artists to come together.

Everyone who helped feels a sense of pride because the mural is absolutely amazing.

Top photo- artist Sarah DeAngulo, right- friends helping out, left- a camel with a beard you can touch! Photos taken by Kate Purnell.

We were able to get in on the action and support Sarah by offering face painting at the opening of Jasper Street. Kids lined up to become their very own piece of art, well others crowded around to watch. Alex even painted a portrait of our friend Mike, on his arm!
Face Painting
Face painting is a simple way to engage people where ever we go, and always popular!
One Sunday in August we went to the Park of Roses and set up a sign that read "free face painting".
Though we set up with the intent to paint kid's faces, we ended up painting as many adult arms as we did faces.
It was a fun opportunity to share what we have with the larger community & several of our neighbors took advantage of our offer. Josh painted some beautiful designs on a couple of faces and arms, and we had a good time getting to know new people.

.......Face Painting on Jasper Street

............. Faces from Sarah's opening.

It is very rewarding to see the children light up when they get to see the results. As I speak with my little guest its funny when they're deciding just the right color for their mouse or butterfly. It's beautiful to see a little personality forming on the simple decisions made in the chair besides me. It is also very rewarding to see adults jump in on the fun and show the world they are still a kid at heart.

Check back for more video of Sarah's opening!

Over-sized Coloring Books

August 31st we went to Schiller park with a 4x8 feet coloring surface. We brought 20 gallons of paint and a box of pastels. Unfortunately there were more dogs then kids at the park. So we were unable to finish the first panel and did not use the paint this time around. However it does not take many kids to make this art adventure a blast!

We choose to do this event at Schiller park to help raise awareness of the group show happening at ClaySpace. The next location we are scouting out for this event is the children's hospital park.I love this event because it's great way to interact with the kids. Most people are surprised to see us out there with a large art project and a huge tarp covered with paint cans. But the children know an opportunity when they see one and jump right in as soon as they get the green light from mom or dad. Even a few adults and teenagers had some fun with the over-sized coloring book.
This is the first of many panels that we are going to produce. Each one will be colored/painted on location together with an unsuspecting group of little artists.


ClaySpace 831Gallery is a gem hidden away among the brewing culture just south of downtown. If you are interested in Ceramics then prepare to fall in love with this delightful studio/gallery. Currently on display is "Cultivating Growth" or as we like to call it the grow show. We are very glad to have partnered with 831Gallery to host this event. They are community focused and we hope to help them grow.

ClaySpace is a for profit business that exists to provide a creative venue to artists of all ages and levels. Owner Tami Knight wants to give people a chance to pursue their love for ceramics, at an affordable cost. She has created a "Space" like no other in the city.

We are in the process of organizing a one day workshop near Christmas time. The focus of this event is to produce gifts for family, friends, or for charity. If you're interested in being part of the workshop then email us with "Info on Clay Classes" in the subject box. by email @ MSTUDIOARTWORKS@GMAIL.COM
We are still looking for dedicated people to help lead this event alongside other ceramic artists. If you are interested in helping out send us an email with "Teaching Clay Classes" in the subject box.